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things to get rid of

Do you have that one drawer, closet, or—let's be honest—an entire room that you're secretly afraid of? You know the one. The place where things go in, but they never seem to come out. If you even dare to open it, you're slapped in the face with clutter, it almost feels like it’s personally offended that you showed up.

I get it. We all have that spot in our homes, the one we avoid at all costs. I’m guilty of the "close one eye and dive in" tactic whenever I need something from the abyss. And while the idea of decluttering sounds amazing, it usually ends up as a task for "another day," right? Honestly though, if you haven't needed those things for quite a while, chances are you won't be needing it all.

So, let’s go through a list of 25 things you’re probably still holding on to for reasons that even you can’t explain. You’ll feel lighter, freer, and way less stressed once they’re gone.

25 Items To Get Rid From Your Home

Here's the deal - this isn't about tossing things into the donation or giveaway box. We're going straight for the trash, or at least the recycling bin. These are the items that have been overstaying their welcome and trust me, you won't miss them one bit.

1. Plastic Containers Without Lids

We all know the mystery of the missing plastic container lids - where in the world do they all go? I swear there's a black hole in my kitchen (no- actually there's a black hole in my mom's kitchen!) where all the lids disappear. But what's worse than no lid? The container it leaves behind. Let's be honest, it's pretty useless without its partner. It's even more frustrating when you want to use the containers and then have to literally turn your kitchen upside down looking for its matching lid only to realize they're not there.

So why do we hold on to these mismatched pieces? Free up that cabinet space and do yourself a favor - toss them out! Bonus: You'll actually be able to find a complete set when you need it.

2. Chipped Plates & Cups

Chipped plates and cups shouldn't even have a place in your kitchen cabinets. They're a safety hazard waiting to happen. Besides, who wants to drink coffee from a cup that is as beaten up as a chipped one?

Go ahead and trash your chipped plates and cups, and treat yourself to a set you'd look forward to drinking out of.

3. Instruction Manuals

Be honest - have you ever actually read an instruction manual cover to cover? Yup - I didn't think so.

You probably have manuals for appliances you don't even own anymore and you're never going to reach for those instruction manuals no matter how long you keep them, so just bin them already.

These days with Google at our fingertips, there is not much we can't look up, especially if they are an instruction manual of any kind. Or if something needs professional fixing, you'd probably call somebody who knows what they're doing.

4. Excessive Plastic & Paper Grocery Bags

It's time we seriously start embracing reusable bags. It's been life-changing for my household. I no longer have a ball of plastic bags stuffed inside other plastic bags inside another plastic bag - thank God!

But some of us still do. And don't get me started on the paper ones. We always end up having more plastic and paper bags than we have use for them!

Unless you're planning on starting a craft project, it's time to let them go.

You can keep a few for emergencies, sure, but let's not turn our kitchen into a grocery bag museum.

5. Expired Food, Condiments

We all have a jar of something at the back of the fridge. You know, the one that you for a recipe you maybe, made once then completely forgot about it. If it's old enough to have developed its own personality, it's definitely time for a clearout.

6. Papers You Don't Need

Receipts, old bills, flyers—does anyone else feel like paper multiplies overnight? If you’re still holding onto that grocery receipt from 2017 or an old phone bill “just in case,” it’s time for a paper purge.

Most things are digital now, so clear out those piles and feel the weight lift off your shoulders.

7. Old Technology

Remember that flip phone you swore you’d use as a backup? Or that cracked TV or computer monitor that you're still saving for some reason? Yes, it's time for those to go too.

Old and unusable technology and gadgets clutter your home and your mind. Recycle them or just say goodbye!

8. Shoe Boxes & Apple Boxes

I get it, show boxes are sturdy and for a moment you think you'll find a good use for them. And Apple boxes are so sleek and minimalist which probably contributes to why iPhones are so expensive and it feels wrong to throw them away.

But how many storage boxes do you actually need? If they're still empty, waiting for you to put something in them and collecting dust, you know what to do.

Your mind and your closet will thank you.

9. Dry Cleaning Plastic

There is no reason for you to keep these, and if you've been meaning to take your clothes out of that dry-cleaning plastic, now's the time.

Your clothes will breathe better without it, and your closet will look a million times better!

10. Excessive Hangers

If your closet is filled with more hangers than clothes, then it's time for a cull.

Bent, broken, or just plain ugly, they're not doing you any favors. Keep the good ones and let the rest go. Even when keeping the good ones, make sure that you're keeping what you need and a few extra, that's all.

Your closet will instantly look more organized and you'll actually be able to hang your clothes without getting into a wrestling match.

11. Scratched, Old Non-Stick Pots and Pans

If your pots and pans look like they've survived a battle, it's time to let them go. Cooking can be stressful enough for them without having to deal with uneven heating and worrying about what your non-stick surface is doing to your food.

Invest in a new set. You'll be motivated and you won't have to worry anymore.

12. All Those Lonely Socks

I for one am convinced that the washing machine eats socks. It's the only explanation for why they go in pairs and come out in singles. It's so frustrating!

It's time to let these single ones go unless you're planning on starting a mismatched sock trend.

13. Old Stationery

Do you have a drawer or box full of pens and markers that most likely dried up ages ago? Me too! We hang on to them thinking that maybe, just maybe, they'll work again one day. Spoiler: they won't!

Test each one of them out and toss the dried-up ones. You'll be freeing up so much space.

14. Old Receipts

Unless you’re planning on becoming a contestant on "Extreme Couponing," there’s no reason to keep that mountain of old receipts. If you haven’t needed them by now, you’re not going to need them. Shred them and feel the freedom.

15. Torn, Stained Linens

We all have that one or two or three sets of sheets that have seen better days. The ones you keep as a backup but never actually use because, well, they're torn and stained.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to let them go and treat yourself to a new set of linens that you'll actually use.

16. Broken Containers

It's time to check all your containers. If it's cracked, chipped, stained, holding on to food smells, or just have an excess of them, it's time to take control and say goodbye.

These don't just take up a whole load of space, but they also make you frustrated every time you try to use them so do yourself a favor and toss them out.

17. Worn Clothes with Stains & Holes

We probably have plenty of these and sometimes we hold on to them because they are so comfy even with stains and all.

The thing is if you wouldn't wear it out in public, it probably has no place in your closet.

Let them go and make room for clothes that make you feel and look good.

18. Expired Makeup & Products

We definitely own makeup that is way past its use-by date. Why? Because you can still use them and it feels such a waste to bin them.

One thing for sure, if you have makeup and skincare that's past its time, you're probably not reaching for them and using them enough - equals to not being your favorite?

Expired makeup and skincare can do more harm than good for your skin. Go through your stash and toss out anything that's past its prime.

19. Expired Medicine

If you go through your medicine cabinet, you're probably going to find a cough syrup from 2015. Well, it's not going to do you any good the next time you're down with a cough.

Expired medicine not only loses its effectiveness, but it can be harmful. Do a sweep of your medicine cabinet or first aid kit and get rid of anything that's past its expiration date.

20. Old Magazines

Magazines can be absolutely sentimental, especially in this day and age when everything is online. You probably have magazines from years ago in a pile and sometimes, going through them every once in a while can be nostalgic.

You might be keeping some of these magazines for a recipe that you wanted to try or an article you enjoyed reading.

As hard as it is to part with them, it's time for them to be recycled and clear some space in your home.

21. Duplicate of Anything

How many spatulas do you need? Not to say you can't have more than one but how many do you really need?

If you've got duplicates of anything, really give it some thought, and if you can pare them down, do it. Keep one or two and let the rest go.

22. Broken Toys

If you've got kids, you know some of their toys have seen better days. I know my son had too many miniature cars without a single tire on them. He had bitten the tires off and had amused himself by throwing them all out the window. I kept all those tireless cars thinking he would not want to part with them, but he wasn't even interested and moved on to the next thing - to destroy!

If something's broken and you haven't fixed it by now, it's probably not going to happen. Broken toys just take up space - let them go and make room for the things that your kids actually use.

23. Stale Spices

Unused spices will lose their robust flavor and scent over time, and if yours have been sitting on your shelf since who knows when and are looking and smelling questionable, they're not going to do much to enhance your cooking. They're not seasoning anything except your guilt for not using them.

Do a spice rack overhaul and replace the stale ones with fresh ones. You know you've got to.

24. Broken Furniture

If you have broken furniture that's just lying around in your storage room, chances are they'll never be fixed even if you had every intention to in the beginning. Or if you're still using that wobbly stool or a broken side table, please just exchange it for a new one.

It really is time to let it go and make room for something new.

25. That One Thing You’ve Been Meaning to Get Rid Of

You know the one. That one item that's been sitting there, taking up space, and nagging at you every time you see it - yes, that one!

It may be an old exercise machine, a box of VHS tapes, or that piece of decor that you inherited but never really liked.

Whatever it is, if it's been on your mental "get rid of" list for ages, now is the time. Once it's gone, you'll be asking yourself why you didn't do it sooner.

Clearing Out with Confidence

Now that we've walked through through 25 things that we can confidently get rid of, I'm sure you're left with a little bit of mixed feelings - between feeling liberated and a tiny bit of guilt, and that's okay. Decluttering can be emotional because we attach memories, hopes, and sometimes even guilt to our stuff.

But it's important to remind ourselves that our home should be a place that brings us joy and peace, not stress and anxiety.

Think about how much lighter your space will feel once these unnecessary things are gone. Imagine opening that drawer or cupboard and being greeted by a clear, organized space instead of a heap of mess that you scramble to shut as soon as you open it.

Your home will definitely look better but most importantly, you will feel better too!

How to Keep the Clutter at Bay

So now that you've tackled the clutter and you're feeling extremely pleased with yourself that your home is looking so much better, how do you keep it that way?

Here are a few tips:

Regular Check-Ins

Every few months remind yourself to go through home, room by room, or area by area for a quick declutter. Doing it in smaller sections is easier to manage and less overwhelming rather than decluttering all in one go.

Be Ruthless

When you're stuck about keeping something or getting rid of it, ask yourself - have I used it in the past year? The answer to that will guide you to the right decision, but you have to be truthful.

Donate or Recycle

If what you want to get rid of is still in good condition, you can consider donating it. Someone else might be able to put it to good use. When they say - someone's trash is another's treasure - it's true!

Digital Declutter

While you're at it, don't forget about digital decluttering - it will get overwhelming before you know it. Clear out old files, emails, and apps you don't need or no longer use. Your digital space deserves a refresh too!

Decluttering is not just about getting rid of things; it's about making space - space for new experiences, new memories, and plain more breathing space. Create an environment in your home that supports your well-being rather than dragging you down.

So take a deep breath and say goodbye to the things that no longer serve you. Your home and your mind will all be better for it!

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things to get rid of

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