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give yourself credit

Being a single mom isn't just about raising a kid or kids on your own. It's about doing everything on your own. It's about being the glue that holds everything together. It's about being the glue that holds everything together.

It's about pushing through when you feel like you have nothing left to give. It's about making something out of nothing. And it's about loving your kids so fiercely that you would move mountains and bend backward for them. It’s waking up every day and carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s making the tough choices, the sacrifices, and the countless unseen efforts that keep your little world spinning.

Being a mom and doing it all on your own is no doubt extremely tough, but you realize how rewarding it is. Oftentimes, you might feel as if you're just barely holding it all together, but the truth is, you are doing so much more than you realize.

You do so much, yet you give yourself so little credit for all that you do.

So let’s try and change that. Let’s take a moment to honor some of the things that you do that you should give yourself more credit for.

22 Things You Should Give Yourself Credit For

Here are 22 things that you are already excelling at as a single mom.

You Show Up Every. Single. Day

Even on days when you feel like you have nothing left to give, you still get up and show up for your kids. You still pack the lunches, dry the tears, and handle the meltdowns. You may feel like you’re just going through the motions sometimes, but that in itself shows how determined you are. That shows strength and it's something to be extremely proud of.

You wake up every day regardless of how tired you feel not just because it's your responsibility, but it's more about the love you have for your kids. You may think your kids don't see what you do, but the reality is they do and they appreciate it, even if they don't say it.

You Manage Everything On Your Own

From bills, meals, school runs, work deadlines, your home, raising your kids, you're juggling it all.

It might feel chaotic, but you're making it work. You're not just wearing multiple hats, you wear them all at the same time. That takes some serious resilience and resourcefulness because nothing you're doing comes with a manual, but you're doing it and doing it the best you can. That's something to be proud of, even on your messiest days.

You Put Your Kids First

There have been days you've had to skip meals, go without sleep, and put your own dreams on hold to make sure your kids have what they need. It could be skipping that new pair of shoes so they can go on a school trip or staying up late to help with homework when all you want to do is sleep—you put them first, always.

The special thing about this is you would do this without even putting a thought into it. That's not just plain parenting, realize that it's one of the most selfless acts of love anyone can give.

You Are Your Kids' Emotional Anchor

You hold your kids when they cry and when they get hurt. You comfort them when they're feeling anxious or confused. When they're angry, you try to understand them and help them process their anger. You listen, you reassure, and you make them feel loved. You celebrate their wins, big and small, and you're there to comfort them when they're having a bad day.

You're their safe space. They know they can trust you to make them feel better. It's a priceless gift only you can give. Being the emotional anchor for your kids takes a lot but you're so special, only you have a magical power that can make everything right for your kids.

You Handle The Tough Days Alone

When you have hard, tough days, you just don't have the luxury of sharing the load with a partner. Because of this, you face whatever it is you're dealing with head-on, whether it's a sick child in the middle of the night or a bad day at work. You do what needs to be done to keep on going. To keep moving forward the way you do takes courage, bravery, and inner strength that not many people can.

You are a warrior, even when you don’t feel like one.

You Make Ends Meet

You have a knack for finding ways to stretch every dollar, making sure your kids have everything they need while managing a tight budget.

You find creative solutions, whether it's couponing, meal planning, or even side hustles to keep things running smoothly.

Even when times are tough, you make sure your kids never feel like they are missing out. You might think that your determination and sacrifices go unnoticed, but one day, your kids will look back and realize just how much you did to make their world a happy and secure place.

You Fix Things You Never Thought You Could

You never knew how to fix a leaky faucet before this, but now you do! Not only that, but you can fix a clogged toilet, or a faulty flush, change light bulbs, assemble furniture, fix the washing machine (until you realize you need a professional!), and even do little home repairs.

Who knew you had a knack for DIY? You find a way to figure things out, even when it feels alien and overwhelming. You doubt your abilities but you get it done regardless, all by yourself. You don't allow challenges to stop you.

You Create Magic Out of Nothing

Even when money is tight or life is hectic, you always find ways to make moments special with your kids. Homemade birthday cakes, movie nights with popcorn, building a fort in the living room, having breakfast for dinner (it's fun, so don't judge!), baking cupcakes with your kids, having a dance-off, leaving love notes for your kids, playing the same board game for the millionth time but acting as if it's your first, putting on your raincoats and boots and playing in puddles when it's raining, or having a slumber party with them—you turn ordinary moments into moments that your kids will always remember.

Your kids aren't going to remember how much money you had; they'll remember the love, laughter, and warmth you gave them. You are magic!

You Love Unconditionally

Even on your hardest days, when you're running on little to no sleep, when nothing seems to go right when you don't have any energy to give, you still show up with so much love. You may be exhausted, frustrated, or overwhelmed, but your love for your kids never wavers.

It's in the way you comfort them when they're upset, the way you encourage them when they're struggling, and the way you remind them that they are loved, no matter what. Your love doesn't depend on how they're behaving, their achievements, or how difficult the day has been, instead your love is constant, unwavering, and unconditional.

Your unconditional love shapes the way your kids see themselves, and the world, and having that foundation will carry them through every stage of their lives.

You Are Your Kids' Biggest Advocate

Whether it's at school, the doctor's office, or anywhere else, you are always there to stand up for your kids. You have their best interest at the forefront of everything so you push for the best education, the right medical care, and the opportunities they deserve.

You ask the tough questions, challenge unfair rules, and make sure they are seen and heard. Even when it's exhausting, you never stop fighting because no one else will advocate for them like you do.

Your kids might not fully understand it now, but one day, they'll look back and realize just how much you did to protect and support them.

You're Their Loudest Cheerleader

Even when you have a million things on your plate, you still take time to listen. You listen to their dreams, their big ideas, and their little victories. You cheer them on, even when they tell you they want to be a truck driver because they love trucks! I mean why wouldn't you?

You celebrate the big moments, the first time they ride a bike without training wheels, their scool play, their soccer game. But you also celebrate the small ones, the days they wake up feeling confident, the times they push though frustration to finish a tough assignment, and the little acts of kindness they show others.

You constantly remind them that they can achieve anything, even when they are unsure about themselves. You encourage them to try again when they fail, to believe in themselves, and to keep pushing forward.

Your belief in them becomes their belief in themselves. And one day, when they're standing on their own two feet, chasing their dreams and facing life's challenges, they'll hear your voice in the back of their mind. The voice that always told them, You can do this, I believe in you!

And that is something they will carry with them forever.

You Help With Schoolwork

You sit through math problems you haven't seen in decades, trying to remember if you've ever actually used it in real life. You google fractions at 10 p.m., watch YouTube videos on long division, and somehow manage to help your kids with their science projects, all the while wondering when school assignments got this complicated.

But you do it anyway, even when you feel like you have no idea what you're doing. You encourage your kids to keep trying, to believe that they have what it takes to figure it all out. Because you know they can figure things out. But beyond the homework itself, you're teaching them something so important. You're teaching them perseverance, patience, and the confidence to ask for help when they need it.

It's especially special the moment when your kid finally gets it, when their face lights up with understanding, and your heart swells because you knew all along they would, and you played a part in it. Whether it's spelling, history lessons, or late-night cramming for a test, you are their biggest supporter, their tutor, and their cheerleader, all rolled into one.

You Make All The Tough Decisions

Making tough decisions alone is never easy, but you do it every single day.

From managing your finances to deciding the best school, handling medical issues, and setting boundaries, every decision rests on you. There's no partner to consult, no one to share the burden with, but you still push through, trusting your instincts and doing what's best for you and your kids.

It takes incredible strength and courage to make the choices you make and stand firm by them. But remember that even when you doubt yourself, your kids know they can always count on you.

You Make a House Into a Home

You do more than just provide a roof over your kids' heads; you create a space filled with warmth, love, and security.

It doesn't really matter if it's a small apartment, a rental, or a house you worked hard to own, you turn it into a home with little touches that reflect your family's personalities. You make your home a sanctuary where you and your kids can come home and feel relaxed and safe in after a long day at work and at school. Your kids know that no matter what happens in the outside world, the home you've built is where they will always find love and comfort.

You Hold Everything Together

Some days can feel overwhelming but you wipe away your tears, take a deep breath, and keep going because your kids depend on you.

Even when you're drained you still prepare dinner, read that bedtime story, help with that last-minute school project, or listen to their endless stories because these are the moments that matter. Your strength isn't just in the big sacrifices but in the little everyday acts of love, patience, and determination. Even when you're running on empty, you keep going, and that's incredible.

You Never Give Up on Yourself

You still have your own dreams and goals, even if they sometimes have to wait a bit longer because you're a busy parent.

Maybe you want to start a new career, learn a new skill, get a degree, or just be the best version of yourself. No matter what you're not giving up on yourself. By following your own dreams, you're teaching your kids to believe in themselves too, and that it's never too late to go after what you want.

You Balance Work and Parenting

Juggling a job and raising kids at the same time, and on your own is not easy, but you do it and you make it work.

Some days you're answering emails while making dinner or rushing from work to school pickup without a break in between. You handle deadlines, meetings, homework, and bedtime routines, all while making sure your kids feel loved and supported.

It's definitely not easy but you've been blessed with the inner strength to do it all, in the best way you can.

You Stay Positive for Your Kids

Even when things get hard, and you're consumed with problems you carry secretly, you put on a smile because you know your child is watching. You hide your worries, cry in private, and put on a brave face because you know that your kids feel safe when they see you strong. You manage to find joy in the little things your kids do—a hug, listening to your kids' silly jokes, a quiet moment of peace.

You stay positive for your kids so they learn that even when life gets tough, they have the power to rise above it, just like you do every day. Your strength becomes their strength. world feels safe

You Never Stop Learning

Being a single mom means you're a lot of things, a problem solver, a multitasker, and sometimes even a one-person repair crew.

You've learned how to manage a tight budget, organize your life more systematically, fix things around the house, cook good healthy meals, and maybe even change a tire. You might not have planned to be the one doing it all, but then here you are, figuring it out one step at a time.

You've learned that challenges can be overcome, that learning never stops, and that you're truly capable of anything. And that's something to be proud of.

You Handle Judgment with Grace

As a parent, you experience a fair share of judgment, from strangers, family, and even well-meaning friends.

You've heard the unsolicited advice the assumptions, the whispers of what you should be doing. But instead of letting it consume and break you, you stay focused on what truly matters, which is raising your kids with love.

You handle criticism with grace, confidence, and self-respect, and you don't need approval from anyone because you know deep down that you're doing what's best for your family.

You Love Yourself (Even When It’s Hard)

Being a single mom, self-love can often feel like the hardest thing in the world. It's easy to feel like you're not doing enough or that you don't deserve kindness from yourself.

But even on your hardest days, you learn to appreciate yourself in the way you show up, the way you push through any challenges, and the way you love unconditionally. You remind yourself that you are worthy, strong, and more than enough, just as you are.

So no matter how difficult things get, even when you doubt yourself, keep choosing self-love. You deserve it, and your kids will thank you for it one day.

You’re Raising Happy, Healthy Kids

At the end of the day, it comes down to one most important thing: your kids feel safe, loved, and cared for because of you.

You might not have all the answers, and there might be days when you feel like you're barely holding on, but always remember that all that you do and the love you have for your kids is the foundation for your kids to grow into happy, healthy, confident, and kind human beings.

They don't see the doubts or the struggles, instead, they see the love, the warmth, and the home you created for them. They see the bedtime stories, the time you spend with them, and just your presence during the special moments in their lives.

Know that your love is enough to shape a beautiful future for your kids.

It's easy to get caught up in what you could be doing better, but take a moment to see just how much you are doing. You are providing, nurturing, guiding, and loving, and that alone is incredible.

So take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and remind yourself that, you are not just enough, you are extraordinary! You don't have to be perfect to be an amazing parent. You are already giving your kids something priceless; your love, your time, and you. And that is more than enough.

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give yourself credit

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