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poems about grief and loss

The pain and heartache that come with the loss of someone you love so dearly is something you never want to experience but being human, it's something inevitable.

I lost my brother last year and I'm still grieving, as a family we all are. It still seems so surreal that he's no longer here. I go to sleep every night thinking of him and when I wake up, I wake up every morning only to painfully remember that he is gone.  

I prefer to say he 'left' rather than he 'died'. I still think that he'll come back that it's all a dream, that he just ran away from home maybe, and will return when he's ready. He left without saying goodbye and I'm still holding on to that hurt even though I know he himself was hurting when he left.

The journey of grief is very personal and looks different from one person to another. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. You grieve how you do and in whatever time that suits you. Take as much time as you need, and if that's forever, it's totally okay.

Sometimes, I'd be going on my day, and my brain would randomly get me in a chokehold and remind me that my brother was never coming back! It's hard.

I will grieve my brother as long as I live. He left me with a broken heart and this broken heart will always remind me of him. I will never 'get over' his passing and as much as people have asked me to 'get over' it and 'move on' so I can live normally, I will never 'get over' it. I will learn to live with my broken heart and the memory of how he lived his life but I refuse to 'get over' it.

You never 'get over' the fact that you've lost a person who's been such an important part of your life. Losing a whole person from your life changes you.

You are no longer the same. Your family is no longer the same - we were a family of seven not even a year ago, and now we're six. Family photos, gatherings, family dynamics, and how we live our lives have changed, so there's no such thing as 'get over', but I will learn to live with my loss.

In the waves of grief that I go through, I've often wondered if he visits me, or my parents, or looks out for my son. I often talk to him, which I find relief in. I have also a dedicated journal in which I write letters to him, filling him with all that's happening, this too gives me comfort. It gives me comfort, but at the same time, it's so sad that he can't be part of all of it.

I also love to collect poems on grief and loss. There are sad ones, comforting ones, and uplifting ones, I might cry, smile, or get angry, but these poems on grief bring me so much solace especially when I miss him.

Here I share some of my favorite poems on grief and loss. May they bring as much comfort to you as they do to me.

18 Poems on Grief and Loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

poems about grief and loss
poems about grief and loss

Losing someone you love is hard. Moving forward after the loss of a loved one is hard. But you learn to live with the pain, the heartache, the emptiness, the unaswered questions.

Grieve how much you want and allow yourself to feel all your emotions. Also allow yourself as much time as you need to process your grief.

I hope these poems about grief and loss does give you some comfort and if you have poems about grief that has resonated with you, please do share!


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