Self-care is often associated with that of aesthetic in nature and is more often than not beauty related. Whether it is taking a nice long bath, a massage, a facial, or engaging in an extended beauty routine. Personally, I do not possess a bathtub, am not able to run to a spa for a massage and in terms of a beauty routine, I don't find it very relaxing.

In reality, self-care means dedicating time for yourself to anything that replenishes and revives you. Something that ups your energy levels, decreases stress levels and tends to both your physical and mental needs. It can be basically anything - as long as YOU enjoy it!
I've realised that in truth, when I really took stock of my day, I did have self-care moments that I would take without even knowing it.
Here are some that I do during office hours:-
I sometimes take time out from my desk at work to have conversations with my colleagues about their life; parents, kids, trips they've taken etc. Nothing to do with work and I learn something new about them EVERY time and it's nice. We normally end up laughing about something or the other.
Yes, when there's too much chatter, be it via e-mails, in earshot or even in my mind, I sit on the toilet just to have a bit of quiet time - 3 - 5 minutes (or sometimes 10!) It works for me.
I enjoy face timing my 1-year-old niece. Not that she listens or talks to me but I just enjoy watching her. I try talking to her or singing to her (of course it falls on deaf ears but who cares!) That girl warms my heart.
Fresh air does the mind wonders. Take a walk around the block.
At home, I do take advantage of all the time I may have though it might not be easy on days that I work long hours. Granted that my son is a teen and he spends most of his time in his room but once I've caught up with him on what has been going on in his day, sometimes, there's just enough time for me to wash my face and crash for the day.
On the weekends though, I do take time off for myself, even if I'm just at home.
Just to have a cup of coffee on my own, quietly.
The amount of time put in shouldn't matter. It can be a 10-minute practice but try and stick to it and for that 10 minutes just focus and be mindful. Honestly, I go in and out of my yoga practices at home. Sometimes I'm diligent and sometimes I drop off the bandwagon. I noticed though that every time I start practising after not doing it for some time, I find myself wanting to rush through it but then it beats the purpose of truly being in the moment with just your breath, yourself and a good amount of stretching so normally only after the 3rd practice I'm able to truly focus and be mindful of every step of the practice. Trust it!
If yoga is not your thing, try an exercise that you enjoy even if it's for a couple of minutes.
Research says that music increases our dopamine ( 'feel good' hormones) levels and that music affects our breathing rate and heart rate. We listen to lullabies to sleep, and upbeat tunes to push us through that last set of squats. I listen to music all the time and it really works.
Compile a playlist of your favourite songs. I compile mine into folders with my favourite songs in accordance with my moods and genre. Sometimes, vacuuming is just not necessarily something I want to do on the weekends but as soon as I put those headphones in and turn on some music, the vacuuming doesn't seem to end..
I know that it's easier said than done especially when you consider your family dynamics and if it's even possible. To be honest, I'd nap at every opportunity I have!
Again, I think self-care is very subjective and it depends on the individual. What I perceive as a form of self-care might not be yours but please do share with me what you do in the comment section down below. I'd love to hear from you!