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I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I'm going to do it anyway.

So here I go - parenting a teenager IS hard!

To me, parenting a teenager is most certainly the hardest phase of parenting - for now.

But being a teenager is hard too!

I find it funny that as I look within myself throughout my son's teen years, I realise that I have been as ill-equipped to face his teen years as I have been at all the other stages of his life before this. I would think that after so many years, I'd be a pro at this whole parenting thing by now. But life throws me a curve ball or several curve balls at every stage!

One thing is for sure, there are so many more resources available for newborns, toddlers and younger kids but there weren't many on parenting teenagers and young adults. That is until now.

The truth is we still need help regardless of what age our children are, especially in their teens!

I'm thrilled that there are now so many parenting websites out there that have the most informative articles on how to manage the teen years. From mood swings to how to broach sensitive subjects with your teens up to how to prepare yourselves as they step into the world and leave you :(

What I have realised is that sometimes we focus too much on the 'problems' that we are facing with our teens that we fail to realise that there is a greater underlying issue of why they are the way they are. That's an extremely important realisation in order for us to be better informed so that we can take the correct steps to help them and us at the same time.

I have, on numerous occasions, referred to these parenting websites to seek advice on how to address the issues that I was having with my teen at a certain moment in time, and they have helped tremendously. All these moms and some dads who have gone through the exact same thing I was going through offering advice gives me a sense that I had a good support system who are always there when I need them!

Because of this, I, too, choose to share my experiences in the hopes that I, too, could be of help to another mom or dad. I'd be happy if I could help just one person, let alone many.

There are many websites out there that give out straight-up, direct advice, which is good, but the blogs that touch the heart whilst giving you advice are just something else.

Heart-warming stories and life lessons from moms that really pull at my heartstrings are truly something special. I find that in the chaos of living my life, helping my teen through his life and living OUR lives, I tend to forget the little things. The little things that really mean a lot to all of us.

Like the fact that this teen is that little child that you loved even before he was born. The one that you promised to protect. The one who you would give your life to. The one who was dependent on you for everything. The one who made you his first love (and hopefully still is...). The one who showed you what unconditional love is. The one who made you a mom. And many more little things that we tend to forget in the chaos of life.

teen parenting websites

There are so many things written about how the teenage years are hard and it comes with many issues and advice on how we could potentially solve them, but to me, the teen years, have been filled with reflection.

Reflection on how my son has grown and how I have grown as a parent and as a person. I can't actually say that my son has given me head-spinning problems, at least not enough for me to call it a problem. I see it as normal teen stuff that he has to work through and that I have to help him with. And I'm grateful for that. I know not everyone has the same journey in parenting.

Ultimately I think it's important to know that our teenagers are struggling, and quite frankly, so are we. They struggle to be understood, and we struggle to understand.

Even if we were once teenagers, the time, problems and social environment, amongst others, are just different now, and that's why I think we struggle to understand.

Anyhow, I'm grateful that we have parenting websites that we can turn to. Advice and a glimpse of what other parents and teens are going through comforts us with the fact that we are not alone and are not perfect and everything can and will get better.

Here are 5 parenting websites that I keep going to for their straight advice, humour and heartwarming stories. Not only are they inspiring, but they are so encouraging!

This website is my favourite.

They share the journey of motherhood across all phases of parenting.

Their tagline 'Stories From The Hear of Ever Home' is truly what their content is about. Their stories resonate with me so profoundly and offer honest insight into the realities of motherhood.

Their articles deal with our deepest regrets, biggest fears and longings we go through as a mom every single day.

They make me love my son a little bit harder.

Reading the posts on the Evil Mommy website feels as casual as having coffee with a mom friend you just chatting away. Janel shares a lot about her teenagers and her advice will always give you that lightbulb moment or if not, at least some inspiration to be a better mom to your teens.

The Evil Mommy covers everything you need to know to help you with your teens, great gift ideas, it also sprinkles in some mom advice as well as weight loss advice if you are ever in need.

It really is a great website!

teen parenting websites

Grown and Flown is another great, great website that I tend to gravitate to.

They cover the ups and downs of parenting teens from middle and high school right up to everything college related. Especially in terms of preparing your teens for college, this is where you would want to be to get as much information as possible.

They also have an excellent selection of heartfelt posts specifically for moms and the trials of motherhood.

The issues raised, information shared, mom and expert advice on Raising Teens Today is very relatable to what we're all going through.

The website is a great resource for parents of teens looking for advice and support in raising their teens.

From your daily dealings with your teens to advice on how to help your teens get through middle and high school to college and right up to recipes that are great for your teens, it just about has all the information you could need!

Parenting Teens and Tweens is a treasure trove full of information, advice and heartwarming stories for any family with tweens or teens.

Parenting Teens & Tweens shares all issues on parenting teens and tweens including teen tech, mental health, self-care, relationships, and gift ideas as well as preparing your teens for college, and parenting your college kids.

Most importantly, it has a great selection on how positively connecting with your teens during these tumultuous years are extremely important.


Raising teenagers is definitely hard work, full of challenges, setbacks, as well as constant worry. Whether we feel anxious, afraid, confused, depressed, overwhelmed, or uncertain, these parenting websites offer encouragement, inspiration and practical advice to help us through the teen years.

As they say, raising children takes a village. As I raise my teen, these websites are part of MY village!

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